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Historical Przemyśl / 4D Cinema Animation


Historical Przemyśl / 4D Cinema Animation

Intricate 3D animation showcasing the virtually reconstructed city from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries

Image may contain: grass, house and tree


Przemyśl at the turn of the 16th and 17th Centuries. 


With immense pride, we present Przemyśl during its peak, a vibrant city virtually reconstructed in our studio, piece by piece. The culmination of our multi-stage work is a several-minute 4D animation that can be viewed in the cinema at the end of the Przemyśl Underground Route. This impressive project brought together the multidisciplinary expertise of the entire team, engaging the studio's work for several months. Below, we present the individual stages of this incredibly insightful journey.



The animation trailer, which can be viewed in its entirety (14 minutes) at the National museum of the Przemyśl region:



Stage 1: 




Ongoing collaboration with Professor Jerzy Motylewicz and the Muzeum Narodowe Ziemi Przemyskiej to gain expert knowledge and essential guidance.


Material Collection: 

Research of historical sources, including visual materials (paintings, drawings), books, scientific papers, and historical, urban planning, archaeological, and architectural research.


Material Analysis: 

In-depth study of the collected materials, creating a vision of the Renaissance city and attempting to recreate it based on sources, preserved examples, and scientific works.


Stage 2: 

Conceptual Work


Script and Storyboard: 

Development of a detailed animation script based on the acquired knowledge, paying attention to length requirements, key locations, and action dynamics.



Creation of a storyboard with visualizations of the individual parts of the city (fortifications, floating mill, tenement houses, churches, market square, Jewish quarter, etc.) and the animation action.

Image may contain: drawing and handwriting
Image may contain: drawing, sketch and handwriting


Image may contain: drawing, sketch and illustration

Image may contain: map, drawing and sketch


Stage 3: 

Set Design and Animation


City Model: 

Development of a model of Przemyśl from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, recreating its urban layout at that time.


Image may contain: sky, water and outdoorImage may contain: sky, outdoor and cloud


3D Models: 

Creation of 3D models and texturing of no longer existing buildings (mill, churches, cathedral, baths, market square tenement houses, houses, manors, suburb, towers and fortifications, entrance gates, bridge, dubas, skuta, Renaissance synagogue) and landscape elements.


Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water

Image may contain: sky, building and church

Image may contain: outdoor, tree and sky

Image may contain: church, sky and tower


Image may contain: church and castle

Image may contain: sky, building and outdoor

Image may contain: LEGO, house and building

Image may contain: building, sky and outdoor
Image may contain: brick and building

Image may contain: LEGO, toy and screenshotImage may contain: building and house

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and building
Image may contain: ground and furniture

Image may contain: house and buildingImage may contain: building, house and outdoor

Image may contain: building, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and buildingImage may contain: house, mountain and townImage may contain: ground, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: house, building and window

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and sky

Image may contain: house, outdoor and sky

Image may contain: tree, house and outdoor

Image may contain: tree, house and outdoor

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and buildingImage may contain: building, tower and houseImage may contain: tree, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: sky, grass and outdoor
Image may contain: tree, house and building

Image may contain: outdoor, building and sky

Image may contain: house, tree and building

Image may contain: ship and watercraftImage may contain: sky, outdoor and lake

Image may contain: ship, boat and water
Image may contain: sky, furniture and outdoor

Image may contain: lake, water and shipImage may contain: house, toy and LEGOImage may contain: house, building and treeImage may contain: houseImage may contain: outdoor, building and ground

Image may contain: building, sky and outdoor


Complete reconstruction of the urban and architectural model of the city.


Historical Interiors 

Reconstruction of historical interiors using 3D models of characteristic elements of the period (interior of a tavern, pharmacy, bathhouse, armory in the Lviv Gate).


Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: indoor, table and floor
Image may contain: table, indoor and furniture

Image may contain: indoor, table and ceiling

Image may contain: table, coffee table and chair

Image may contain: furniture

Image may contain: furniture, wall and indoor
Image may contain: wall, indoor and table
Image may contain: indoor, floor and shelf

Image may contain: indoor, floor and vase

Image may contain: furniture, wall and indoor

Image may contain: furniture, indoor and table

Image may contain: wall, indoor and bathroom
Image may contain: wall, indoor and stone
Image may contain: indoor, wall and sink

Image may contain: indoor, sink and window

Image may contain: window, indoor and floor
Image may contain: indoor, building and stone

Image may contain: furniture, table and indoor

Image may contain: ground, house and outdoor

Image may contain: furniture, cartoon and table

Image may contain: furniture, wall and indoor
Image may contain: indoor and furniture

Image may contain: screenshot, cartoon and wall

Image may contain: wall, indoor and drawing
Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: indoor and room

Image may contain: furniture, indoor and mirror
Image may contain: indoor, sofa and furniture
Image may contain: indoor, living and room
Image may contain: indoor and furniture

Character Animation

Modeling, processing, and animating the characters appearing in the animation (animals, people in period costume).

Image may contain: indoor, table and ceiling

Genre Scenes

Creation of genre scenes characteristic of the life of the inhabitants of Przemyśl at that time.


Image may contain: sky, grass and cattle


Image may contain: building, outdoor and groundImage may contain: ground and outdoorImage may contain: ground, outdoor and street

Image may contain: building, ground and outdoor

Image may contain: outdoor, grass and sky

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and treeImage may contain: building, ground and outdoor


Image may contain: sky, outdoor and cloud

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and treeImage may contain: grass, tree and house


Camera Animation

Camera animation based on the storyboard.


Shaders and Lighting

Application of shaders, lighting, and pre-production, as well as camera animation directly in the graphics engine.


2D Animation

Creation of 2D animation as an introduction to the film.



Stage 4: 

Sound Design and Post-Production



Voiceover script creation.


Sound Design 

Sound design in 7.1 Surround Sound standard.



Editing and post-production.



Animation preparation for stereoscopic viewing for a cinema equipped with active 3D glasses.


Image may contain: indoor, floor and ceiling
Image may contain: person, clothing and human face

Muzeum Narodowe Ziemi Przemyskiej, [dostęp: 04.07.2024]


Image may contain: sky, outdoor and lake